
The Organizing Committee is really grateful to the institutions who are supporting the IPT 2021!

The Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw in Poland are hosting and co-organising the tournament this year
The Swiss Physical Society is Switzerland’s professional society set up to promote and support physics within the country. Information is disseminated through their well known communications newsletter
The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) reinforces the awareness of sciences as a central foundation for our cultural and economical development. The SCNAT networks sciences, makes its expertise available, promotes the dialogue between science and society and identifies and assesses the scientific progress to build and reinforce the working base of the next generation of scientists.
Springer Nature is a global publisher dedicated to providing the best possible service to the whole research community. It helps authors to share their discoveries; enable researchers to find, access and understand the work of others and support librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data
Gather is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel, walking in and out of those conversations just as in real life